How To Get Rid of the Stink Bug Smell
If you’ve ever smashed one beneath a rolled magazine then you’ve likely taken a big whiff of the foul odor they give off. Even with the stink bug scooped into the trash, you’ll find that once that unpleasant…
Pest Control in Pittsburgh, PA | Free Quote | Spectrum Pest
If you’ve ever smashed one beneath a rolled magazine then you’ve likely taken a big whiff of the foul odor they give off. Even with the stink bug scooped into the trash, you’ll find that once that unpleasant…
Let’s face it, though: Ants are inevitable. Even in the cleanest and most pristine of homes, these tiny critters can strike, attracted by a range of conditions often well outside your control. Many of us quickly turn to…
Every year, the average American home faces an onslaught of attacks from a variety of pests. Ants creep in under doors or through tiny cracks to forage for food in your kitchen or pantry. While carpenter bees don’t…
The dreaded spider. I’ve seen 250-pound grown men scream like small children after running into an unexpected spider in their house. I’ve seen it because I’m that grown man, and I, just like you, didn’t like these little (and sometimes…
Sometimes they are also misidentified as hornets as well, however it should be noted that these two are not the same and should not be interchanged. Yellow jackets are considered social wasps and will live in a colony…